Danica Patrick’s Fifty Shades of Grey secret

Published On July 22, 2012 | By Jill Saftel

If you’re looking for a way to indulge in the scandalous Fifty Shades of Grey without getting caught, NASCAR driver Danica Patrick might be the girl to ask. According to a report from ESPN, Patrick recently took to Twitter to announce she had finished the first book of the wildly popular trilogy and has since been bombarded with tweets from her followers wondering how they can get in on the “Fifty Shades” action while keeping it under wraps.

Patrick originally coyly tweeted about finishing a great book, but one follower was too smart for that, and immediately guessed the title. Patrick told EspnW.com that holding the book is not embarrassing, rather, it’s embarrassing knowing what’s inside it. While she now refers to the Fifty Shades trilogy as the “you know what books” on Twitter, Patrick won’t be hiding the novels with covers or a tablet any time soon.

“I’m holding the book, baby,” Patrick said. “I like to turn the pages. It’s the same reason I like to take a cork out of a bottle of wine. It’s romantic. I like to turn the pages and I like to see how far I am, and then I look over at my husband and I say, ‘Look, honey, see how far I am?'”

Patrick said she had never received so much continuous response on Twitter regarding one topic as she did about these books. Maybe a Danica Patrick book club is in the stars for the driver.

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About The Author

Jill studies journalism at Northeastern University, covers Hockey East for College Hockey News and is the sports editor for The Huntington News. You can follow her on Twitter at @jillsaftel, just don't ask her to choose between hockey and baseball, it's impossible.