Athletics player Landon Powell loses infant daughter

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Powell family. Kim Klement US Presswire.
As a major league player riding off of the A’s surprisingly successful season, one would think catcher/first baseman Landon Powell would be at an all time high. However, for Powell, his life begins when he steps out of the Oakland Coliseum, not when he walks into it.
Often when we watch our favorite athletes in the special spotlight that comes with fame and fortune we forget that they have lives of their own which, much like our own, are filled with great joy but also pain. For Landon Powell, those truths have never been so real as of late.
Powell’s baby daughter, Izzy, passed away Friday night after a four-month battle with illness. Izzy was born prematurely and had a condition known as hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, causing her liver to be too large for her body and opening the door to several health complications.
Powell and his family never gave up on Izzy and reached out to his fans via a facebook group titled Prayers for Izzy. Landon and his wife co-wrote the statuses going all the way back to Oct. 1 as the Powell family reached out to their fans for help in their time of need.
What started as a simple request for help and support ended in a slew of prayers and support not just from admiring fans, but from fathers and mothers alike. The group’s message spread as thousands of concerned fans and friends left their own special prayers.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Powell family.